10 Cool Things To Do In Paris In The Winter.

Paris is a great destination in the winter. Although it rains a lot depending of the year, you can still enjoy some fun activities solo or with your family. Today I will share with you 10 cool activities that I hope will make your wintery trip a memorable one.


Due to the pandemic, Dysneyland Paris is temporary closed. However, you can still plan your visit for when it will reopen. Get ready to embark onto joyful rides and let your inner child come out.


Canal de l’Ourq in the 19th arrondissrment

Paris has three majors canals. Canal de l’Ourq located in the 19th arrondissement is less known than the Canal Saint Martin. However, for many locals like myself, it is a popular destination when the temperature goes up to chill and meet up with friends. In July and August, the city cleans the canal and turns it into a giant swimming pool. In the winter, locals enjoy long walks along the canal, exercising, patronizing coffee shops and restaurants located along the canal as well as going to the movie theater.


Le Grand Palais, Paris. Photo credit: Le Grand Palais /Instagram

Head over to the Eiffel Tower, get your skates and enjoy the Eiffel Tower in the backdrop.

Le Grand Palais (above) is another favorite. The ice skating rink there is considered to be the largest in the world. Every winter, Le Grand Palais turns into a gigantic ice skating rink attracting tourists and locals rushing to skate in a wintery wonderland scenery.


Ferris Wheel in the Tuileries garden

Head over to the Tuileries Garden in mid-December . Buy a ticket to get on the giant Ferris Wheel and enjoy a stunning view of the city. While there get a nice cup of hot wine or apple cider and make sure to stop by the chalets lining up the entrance of the garden to buy local products.

Chalet Food Stand in the Tuileries Garden in Paris
Chalet food store in the Tuileries Garden, Paris.


If walking is not an issue for you, put on some warm clothes ang go for a long walk along the Seine River.


If you can get an invitation to attend a show in the winter go for it. I have attended a few here and it is something that I will recommend anyone to do. Also be on the look out for celebrities who usually come to Paris to attend the shows.


Circus Bouglione Paris. Photo credit:Cirque Bouglione/ Instagram

Get your tickets to attend the famous Cirque D’hiver Bouglione located in the 11th district to see local and international gymnast perform and enjoy the show. The Cirque d’hiver is an institution in Paris although closed due to the current pandemic feel, free to check out their website to see when they will reopen here.


Museums are always a great idea especially on a cold rainy day. Go to the Louvre Museum, The Museum of Moden Arts, The Quay d’Orsay Museum and so forth… Visit less known museums such as Musée Bourdelle and Museum of the Romantic Life. Both favorite of mine. Also feel free to read my tips on how you can save money while visiting Paris here.


Angelina Paris. Photo credit: Angelina/Instagram

There are lots of coffee shops and tea rooms around town. Cozy up at Ladurée, Angelina, La Chocolaterie of famous chef Cyril Lignac and Cafe Odette just to name a few.


Try a raclette. A typical dish made with lots of charcuteries, potatoes and different kind of cheeses at II Cottage, a restaurant with a charming rustic decor located in the 16th district. I love this place.

That is it. I hope this post will make you want to vist Paris in the winter. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop them down below or by emailing me at [email protected].

If you enjoy reading about France and the parisian lifestyle, feel free to follow me on Instagram here.


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