What to Do In Paris In 24 Hours.

I meet a lot of foreigners in town just for a day or two and they have inspired me to write this post. Don’t have much time in Paris and want to make the best of it, below I share some of my favorite things to do.

Start your day with a nice brunch or breakfast at one of my favorite spots 5Pailles.

Get on the train (RER C) to go visit the Château of Chamarande located 1 hour away from Paris. Could be more/less depending of where you starting your journey from.

Then head back to the city to enjoy a nice dinner at the Newsoulfood restaurant. A restaurant that mixes Cameroonian and French Caribbean flavors to create flavorful dishes.

In a mood for a nice cocktail and a bit of dancing, end the day at Lechina. Another favorite spots of mine.

Photo credit:5pailles and lechina/Instagram


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