Seven Steps To Plan a Trip.

Summer is around the corner which means that you are probably thinking about traveling nearby or abroad. In seven steps, here how you can start planning your trip.

Pick a destination

Write down where you would like to go. E.g. beach, mountain, or the country side. If you aren’t sure of where you would like to go, start with the scenery of your favorite movie, your favorite food, artist, fashion style or photography. Gather as much info as possible on the city, country you wish to travel. E.g. is it safe for solo-traveler?What currency would I need? What are the customs/culture there?What is appropriate to do and not do. What travel documents would I need? E.g. passport/visa. If a passport is needed, how do I get one. If you already have one, when will it expire? Keep in mind that in order to gather as much info as possible on a particular country, check out its consulate or embassy official website.

Duration of your trip

Would you be traveling for a weekend, 7 days or more. Some people need only 7 days to visit a city/country while others need more time.


Money is very important when planning a trip. You need to start doing your homework on how much you can afford and are willing to spend. E.g. passport/visa fees if you want to travel outside of your country, plane ticket + travel insurance, train, buses, car rental, hotel accomodation, eating, shopping, gifts for friends or family members as well as extra in case of an emergency.

Pick a season

Once you know what is your budget, decide if you want to travel during the fall, summer spring or winter. Some people don’t travel during the summer season to avoid big crouds. With many children and college students out of school and parents on vacation, it means lots of people on the road.

Map out your itinirary

By that I mean, write down the things that you would like to do while there. e.g. If you choose Paris, France as your destination, make a list of the things that you would like to do and see while there. Do you plan on visiting a neighboring country if yes, what is the currency there? How would would you get there? By train, car,plane or buses?


Do you have high blood pressure, allergies, diabetes, athsma, frequent headaches and so forth..? That can be a life saver when you are in a foreign country and don’t speak the language. Back in 2014, I got sick while visiting Florence, Italy. I had no clue on where to locate a doctor, pharmacy and how to say sick in Italian. I was having a bad case of seasonal allergies that gave me horrible flu like syptoms. Needless to say that my trip was no longer fun because I was too sick to be around people and I couldn’t wait to go home.

Pick the right Luggage

I know that it may seem not that important for some but investing in a solid piece of luggage especially when you are on a multi-destination trip can make a big difference when traveling. I have been in situations in which, the bagage handlers handled my luggages so badly that I ended up buying new ones.

If there is more info that you would like to get, don’t hesitate to leave your questions in the comment section down below.


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