Seven Most Beautiful Metro Stations in Paris.

Photo credit: Jumei.liu 23/Instagram

Paris has a great although not perfect transportation system. In this post, I would like to share with you guys seven most beautiful metro stations that are not only beautiful constructions but also a big part of the Parisian culture.

Seven most beautiful metro stations in Paris

Most parisians ride the metro to and from work and to go about their business. It is hard to think of the metro as something beautiful or fancy. However, there are a couple of metro stations that will have you reaching out for your camera and ready to get on a ride to discover Paris. In no particular order, the seven most beautiful metro stations in Paris are:

Arts et Metiers

This metro station is accessible via line 11.

Seven  Most Beautiful Metro Stations in Paris
Photo credit: Lamaisonrougeharlem

It looks like you are in a submarine ready to go under water


Photo credit:Kayocorico/Instagram

This metro station will get you ready to visit the Louvre Museum. It has a few pieces that you can admire right as you exit the metro. To see this beauty grab line 1.


This metro station has written on its walls the declaration of human rights. You can get there by taking line:

  • 1
  • 8
  • 12

Gare de Lyon

Seven  Most Beautiful Metro Stations in Paris.
Photo credit:Jean François Mauboussin

With its beautiful plants and natural surroundings, this metro is a breath of fresh air in the city. That station is accessible via lines:

  • 1
  • 14
  • D suburban train
  • A suburban train

Franklin D. Roosevelt

This metro station pays hommage to former American President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Get there via lines:

  • 1
  • 9

Cluny-La Sorbonne

You will not be able to keep your head down while gazing over the beautiful ceiling. Who knows? You might be tempted to recreate this piece of art at home. Line 10 will take you there.


Seven  Most Beautiful Metro Stations in Paris.
Photo credit: Jumei.liu 23/Instagram

Not only you get to enjoy one of the most beautiful views of the Eiffel Tower but the metro station ceiling is made out of glass. This metro is accessible via line 6.


Planning to visit Paris than add these seven most beautiful metro stations to your bucket list. Also while in Paris, there are other free things that you can do.Check out these posts down below:





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