Where To Enjoy Fun/Family Activities in Paris.

Many French people are into the arts. That is why we have so many cultural events in Paris and throughout the entire country especially during the summer season. Are you planning to be in Paris once Covid-19 is gone? If that’s the case, start planning your to do list by adding fun /interactive/cool activities to it.

Every summer, Parisians and tourists flock to La Villette Park, a popular destination to enjoy an array of cultural activities. The park houses museums, concert halls, live performances, the City of Music, the Paris Philarmonic, The City of Sciences and Industry (the largest science museum in Europe), restaurants and more…

The City of Sciences and Industry. Photo credit: Espritdefrance

Even little ones can enjoy the playgrounds as well as many events/activities dedicated to a younger audience. A major event that many have come to love is La Villette’s annual open air film festival in the park. This year, however, things will be a bit different due to the current Covid-19 pandemic. To celebrate the opening of Paris Plage (Paris Beach) that happened over this past weekend, La Villette had planned an open air movie at the Bassin de La Villette (an artificial man made bassin).

Movie night at the Bassin de la Villette, Paris.

Although the event was free, visitors had to register prior to be selected to receive a ticket to attend a free movie screening not in the park but on a small boat as seen above. Each boat can seat up to 6 people max. Let’s hope they do it again next year. Check this place out the next time you will be in Paris. More info here.


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